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News blog

On the news blog, we talk about important news that affects the Preparedness Museum.

Latest news onFebruary 5, 2023

Do you want to work as a guide at the Preparedness Museum?


Summer job at the Preparedness Museum!

For the 2023 season, we are looking for summer workers for the Preparedness Museum.


You must have been born in 2005, 2006 or 2007.

The summer job

You will work as a guide and as all-in-all at the museum.

Your focus will be entirely on the visitors. You must be interested and want to read up on Batteri Helsingborg's history to be able to hold an engaging, exciting guided tour for many participants of all ages.

Personal characteristics

You must be happy, pleasant, accommodating, social, committed.


You will receive the same hourly wage as Helsingborg municipality's summer workers of the same age.

Guaranteed working hours

You are guaranteed 60 hours over a two-week period, placed sometime from the Midsummer weekend until mid-August. If necessary, there may be more work.


Guide training

We will hold a guide training on three Saturday afternoons during the spring. The training does not provide any salary and there is no requirement to have accepted the summer job. Completed guide training is also no guarantee that you will get a summer job at the Preparedness Museum. What you learn on the course will be of great use to you in the future, regardless. The guide training is planned for Saturday15, 22 and 29April at 13-15. 


Send your application for a summer job, no more than one A4 including CV, references, etc. to Write which period you can work during the summer holidays.

Latest news on October 12, 2022

Planning for 2023 is underwayand tickets for the 2023 bunker walks, pea soup evenings, Cold War radar viewings and Scania line walks have been released. Buy an experience for your loved ones as a Christmas present in the form of a ticket for a guided tour. 

A warm welcome to the 2023 season!

Latest news on June 19, 2022

The season kicks off.

This year we will arrangeguided tours to the Hospital Bunker and Kanonen Brita as many as four times per day during the periodJune 27 - August 14.A ticket is required for the guided tour. Very limited number of places. Tickets for the guided tour can only be purchased on site at the Preparedness Museum and only in connection with the purchase of an entrance ticket. So add SEK 60 for adult/pensioner/student/veteran and your ticket for the guided tour is fixed. Children do not have to pay anything extra to accompany a guardian on the guided tour. Only 22 participants per tour.

The guided tours start at 11:15, 12:45, 14:30 and 16:00 from June 27.

Latest news on February 4, 2022

HOOOOOO! The restrictions disappear. This year, 2022, the guided tours at the Preparedness Museum will thus return, after two years. We start the Special screening of Kanonen Brita and Sjukhusbunkern again. In addition, the Preparedness Museum is celebrating 25 years! And - the best news is that we are starting to serve ice cream in Kanoncafeet. The tasters have selected which balls should be in "GR-BR-GR", "Maja -Göte" and a "SWEDES TIGER". 

See you on April 2. Then we start!

Latest news on September 24, 2021

Autumn holiday viewing for children is arranged on 2 November at 10.00. You can find tickets for the eventwhen you click here!

Latest news on July 11, 2021

The season has started. Lovely! Some ask if you have to book your visit in advance. No, you don't have to. The preparedness museum is as if made for a pandemic, large areas with the facility spread out in different buildings and bunkers. So just come here. Welcome!

Latest news on June 24, 2021

The preparedness museum has started the season. Sunday, June 27, it's time for a small ceremony at 1 p.m. with the handing over of the "Year's single crown" to Godsägare Gustaf Trolle. The Karolinen will be there and of course there will be a salute. Regular entrance fee applies. 

The Environment Agency has approved Kanoncafeet's design according to the pandemic legislation. We are very happy about that. This year Kanoncafeet's offer has changed. Filbunke with nettle tea is also on the menu for those who really want to try living the Christmas life for a while. Those who want a really tasty sweet are recommended, among other things, "Filibunk", a classic summer dessert served with cinnamon crackers and strawberry jam. Insanely good! There are lots of other yummy things on the menu too, of course. The decor in Kanoncafeet has also been redone. Nowadays, you can settle down in a classic 1940s environment, at the bottom of the cafeteria. Super nice!

See you! And Pst! It is only at the Preparedness Museum that you can buy the poster A Swedish Tiger. 

Latest news on May 23, 2021

It brightens up the pandemic front. Most of the older crowd of friends and acquaintances have been vaccinated. Among the younger people, many have already had covid-19 and become healthy, or almost healthy anyway. The risk of infection is dropping and thus we can promise with certainty that there will be a season at the Preparedness Museum, just as usual!


On June 20 at 10.00 the museum opens, hooray! The opening hours are 10 - 18 every day throughout the summer, until August 15. No pre-purchase of tickets is necessary. Just come! Note! As usual, the museum is closed on Midsummer Eve and Midsummer Day, i.e. June 25-26. 

See you soon! Hold on! Hold on! Keep distance!

Latest news on January 26, 2021

We look forward to April! The hope is that the situation will improve as the weather gets warmer, the vaccinations progress, etc.... Hope is the last thing that abandons you, isn't it! 

The first bunker hike of the year in April has been fully booked for a long time. Eight people have bought tickets. We will keep the maximum number of eight participants until the restrictions change.

The preparedness museum opens to visitors in June. If possible, we hope to be able to open earlier, but it depends on the development of the pandemic. We miss you all! In particular, we miss all of you from SPF, PRO, various associations, all of you who usually come to visit through joint bus trips to the Preparedness Museum. We are really looking forward to order being restored and the museum visits, which often take place in generations with grandmother/grandmother/grandfather/grandfather, children and grandchildren, to start again. The Emergency Museum is not the same without our elders!


If the spread of infection lands at such a level that the restrictions are changed AND our guides feel comfortable with an increase in museum activity, then we can release more tickets for the bunker walks, we can start the pea soup nights at the museum, we can start guided tours of the Cold War radar, at the museum, of the Hospital Bunker, the Brita cannon... but until then we will wait.

We are all keeping our fingers crossed that the pandemic will decrease in strength in 2021. 

Hold on! Hold on! Keep distance!

Latest news on November 29, 2020

News in the online store! Now there are GIFT CARDS to buy for the 2021 season. Perfect Christmas gift for those who want to avoid Christmas shopping in stores, while still wanting to give away something exciting, pleasant and educational! If you don't want, or don't have, a red envelope in the right size for the gift card, there are envelopes too! You can find gift cards of various denominations and envelopes by clicking here!

Hold on! Hold on! Keep distance!

Latest news on October 28, 2020

News in the online store! We have mouse mats with A Swedish Tiger included. In addition, we have Bertila's (Bertil Almqvist's) original tiger pin included. And, the "regular" pain will also come in, hopefully within a few weeks if all goes well despite the ongoing pandemic.You can find the new products by clicking here!

Hold on! Hold on! Keep distance!

Latest news on October 19, 2020

The 2021 season is planned! We will have to live with the pandemic for a few more years. The preparedness is of course good and therefore we have planned for the 2021 bunker hikes so that they work even if the pandemic is still ongoing. The museum's opening hours are adapted for the pandemic also in 2021. This means that the museum currently does not plan to open to visitors until June 20. If the pandemic improves, we can open earlier. We will simply have to wait and see.

Hold on! Hold on! Keep distance!

Latest news on July 8, 2020

It works! All visitors to the Preparedness Museum are fantastic at keeping their distance, while the tone of conversation is unusually high due to the distance between people. No confidential conversations have been noted... The tables in the cafeteria are at a reasonably safe distance from each other. Hand sanitizer is available everywhere. Trays with buns and coffee are taken in connection with payment from the cash desk. We who work at the cash desk at the museum have plexiglass as protection. The bunker walks inside Helsingborg have been carried out at a risk-free distance. It feels good, really, with all the preparations the museum took before the start of the season, but we're not letting go of the garden. 

Remember to keep your distance. Remember that we offer you who visit the museum alcohol, even if it is only for your hands... Remember that the danger is definitely not over. If we are careless, we all risk the virus spreading again, and we don't want that!

Hold on! Hold on! Keep distance!

Latest news on June 24, 2020

The history of A Swedish Tigeris extremely important to preserve, correctly, just as the museum was asked to do when the rights to the image were handed over to the museum from Bertil Almqvist's heirs. 

Bertil Almqvist had a very strong political attitude which he stood for, straight-backed. In his youth he was very active in Clarté, during his emergency service he was a conscientious objector. He protected his right to everything he created. One of his works is Barna Hedenhös. For many years he was employed at Aftonbladet, which says something about his political stance. 

Bertil Almqvist did not want his work distorted, changed or used in contexts he did not approve of. The Preparedness Museum is tasked with managing his will. The Preparedness Museum has the sole right to use En Svensk Tiger and to redistribute the image in its proper context, with correct history. 

The Emergency Museum considers it important that our common cultural heritage is preserved and that various incorrect meanings, interpretations and unfounded claims about the picture are not entered. 

This is what the museum stands for, straight-backed, unwavering. 

For those who want to know more about the history of the image,click here!


Latest news on June 17, 2020

The Emergency Museum opens for the season on Sunday, June 21 at 10:00 a.m.


That thing is….


Two meters apply. Always. Between you and everyone you don't hang out with on a daily basis. Museum staff are instructed to harp on this until we are hoarse. None of us want to get sick.

Listed below are again what you as a visitor must think about during your visit.

1. DO NOT visit the Preparedness Museum if you are the least bit sick!

2. If you have been ill with Covid-19, we do not want you to visit the museum as long as you have symptoms. Keep in mind that fatigue due to the virus is also a symptom. Wait your visit until you are fully recovered.

3. Wait your turn. There will be special guides posted at the entrance, at Maja, at the SMB hall and at the Combat Command Center. What the guides tell you applies! 

4. During your visit to the cafeteria, we ask you to keep your distance from other people. The tables are placed so that everyone can move around safely. Do not change the position of the tables.

5. Follow the instructions of the museum staff. Always!


With the above rules (and other measures), we have created a museum operation that will be safe for everyone to visit. These rules will apply as long as there is a confirmed spread of Covid-19 in society.

Guided tours at the Preparedness Museum will not be arranged in the 2020 season. There will be guide booklets for sale at the box office. The museum staff will be happy to help, but keep a distance of two meters from everyone you talk to. 

The cafeteria has been adapted to the current situation with a series of solutions to avoid the spread of infection.

With this, we warmly welcome you to the 2020 season at the Preparedness Museum. We really look forward to meeting you!

If you have comments, want to suggest changes, or if you want to donate something, contact the museum. Contact details can be found at the top of the website.


042-22 40 39

©2022 The Preparedness Museum. 

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