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Sweden's only museum in an underground defense facility from the Second World War

Battery Hälsingborg's history
The history of the Skåne line
The readiness years 1939 - 1945
Cold War 1945 - 1990
A Swedish Tiger, the history of Sweden's most famous image
The Preparedness Museum preserves and displays Batteri Hälsingborg. So far, two of the four bunkers with cannons, Cannon Maja and Cannon Brita, have been restored for display. The hospital bunker is also restored. The battle command center is used for the weapons history exhibition at the Preparedness Museum and for other exhibitions. The cannon Sonja is under ongoing restoration, as are anti-aircraft fire emplacements and anti-machine guns.
During the winter season 2022/23, history about Batteri Helsingborg etc. will be published at
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